Sunday 25 September 2011

Back to Business.

All done and finished, time to start making pots again! Painting and moving the workshop around has taken a couple of weeks but it's done now and i'm very pleased to have it all come together. Much better for visitors with all pots priced and displayed how i've wanted them to be seen for a long time now. The making space is a lot more efficient and feels almost like a seperate area which again is the way I have wanted it to be. I have been in this workshop since late last year and this is the first time I can say, please feel free to visit anytime you like it would be great to see you and not be thinking that it all looks a mess and I hate the way my work looks on the shelves! I still have to work another job for now which at present is at a horticultural nursery in Stratford on Avon but at least it's a job I enjoy with some nice people. I really feel in a perfect position to move pottery related things forward again now and cannot wait to start the making process again.

That's all for now the next post should see some new pots filling up the shelves again.


lyn said...

nice to see you back, enjoy your work space :) I look forward to your stories

Unknown said...

Hey Matt. Great to see you've got it how you want. I look forward to watching you motor on now.. don't forget to post them. Sorry for delayed response, been working from home and was going to catch up when i got back to 'my' computer! Now i need to make myself get on the wheel! I've just hand built a couple to get me back into the clay, but i definitely plan to dedicate a lump of time to practice soon. I'm feeling the fear of the struggle ahead!!!

Matt Grimmitt said...

Hi Lyn, thanks for the comment, I am planning on documenting more of what i'm up to on blogger again so look out for more soon.
Scott, hello there, hope you are good. I have been meaning to drop you a mail for a few days again, for some reason I can't leave comments on your blog. Don't understand it but it don't work like! Feeling the fear myself mate it usually takes me ten or so pots and bang i'm back in there. I reckon you should weight out a load of lumps of clay and make sure you finish them in one day, it works for me and I guess it's like kicking ones own arse really! Keep going you have the passion and the drive, the skills on the wheel as i'm finding out ever more come with time, pot by pot. Drop us a line sometime and I promise i'll get those pots in the post real soon to you. Cheers for now.

Unknown said...

Hey Matt. You're not alone in not being able to comment on mine.... even i couldn't comment! I could when i used Safari though, so seems browser related... anyway, enough of that nonsense. Great idea to just knock lots of pots out. I'd probably have done 3 or 4 and lose heart, but if i have a mission to get through a lot more, then i might actually learn something and not worry so much. You'd think I'd know that, after all the first few drawings i make nearly always suck!
I look forward to seeing some more pots. I love that tall jug.. i'm really enjoying the smaller one i have, with the manganese. That big jars heading off somewhere interesting too. ( don't forget those handles i want to see) cheers Matt.

Donac said...

Looking very good!
NOw to the clay!